If we compile a list of those who spend out of their pockets to help the people, from the six billion world population, who invest their time or contribute through their efforts. Then a great majority will be of those who have a complete belief in Someone who is the Owner and Sustainer of this Universe. And secondly they have absolute faith that He who is the owner of this universe, also has set up a system of reward and retribution. And He will reward in this life those who have spent for the welfare of the people, to rid them of their afflictions or provide for their betterment. This reward for Muslim is Jannah, for Hindus it is Swarg, for Christians it is heaven. Jews and even Budhist’s, Tao as well as Confucius, believed in the Creator of the universe and the system of reward and retribution.
You will be left amazed after hearing that Greece, which is considered the founder of western democracy and secularism, their greatest hero Socrates who drank a bowl of poison for the sake of truth. His speech delivered in front of his jury, is a glorification and praise to the owner of this universe, this same jury sentenced him to death. Socrates at the end of the speech said
“I believe in God in a way which is not the same way in which those who have prosecuted me in this trial believe in God. I entrust the decision of this trial to you and God”.
This person had such a complete belief in God that he remained unafraid, steadfast and truthful. He said in front of the jury
“The voice of my Sustainer till now has remained with me, And whenever I committed a slightest of a non-compulsory action, it always stops me”.
It is strange that Socrates who is presented as a modern and secular western hero, he used to converse with the help of the voice of his lord. He says
“Do you think that after sentencing me to death, you will be safe from the accountability of what you have done in your life. There will be many who will ask of your accountability. I have seen them, but you can see them not”.
Right from the beginning of the world, all activities of goodness and all paths to betterment, are opened, because of the belief in the existence of god and belief in the system of retribution and reward in the after life. It is the fear of the god which stops a human from brutality on another, forces one to utter the truth, and inclines oneself to spend all his wealth on the helpless and the needy. Someone once asked Ganga Ram “Why do you spend so much on people?”. He replied
“When I went out to earn, I promised bhagwan, that whatever I will get, half would be yours and half mine. When I earned Rs, 1. it was difficult to give away eight aanas(half a rupee). Today it is so easy to give fifty thousand out of a hundred thousand. This is the system of my lord, because of which there is beauty and goodness in this universe”.
There were two countries in the world who expelled Allah, god or any such being from their country. Russia did this in 1917 and China in 1948. You will be astonished to hear that in all lists of prosperity, you will find the name of the super power Russia. But from the lists of philanthropists of world, it is difficult to find even a single Russian. This became such a habit that, communism departed twenty years back, Leningrad became into Saint Petersberg, investors appeared, but on an international level no institution or an individual pertaining to social welfare could come into forefront. The same situation is with China, Mao Se Tung proclamation died years back. But god was expelled from the country hence no one from the whole world to help the poor could be born there.
The owner of the universe who calls himself the Sustainer and Cherisher of the worlds, he gave humans such tenacious ideas which develops love amongst humans. One is the lord, and the other is the one who is presented before him for the accountability of his deeds and actions. And in all religions of the world the most chaste deed is to help others for their betterment and in time of affliction. Similarly in all religions, Allah’s displeasure and punishment are caused by the same reasons. Punishment and retribution on earth are depicted by all religions to be caused by the same deeds. Allah’s punishment comes due to injustice, arrogance, breach of covenant(khayanat), oppression and becoming a god on earth. Because of this, trembling with Allah’s fear, you help people with happy heartedness. I am amused by those people, article writers, scholars, anchor persons who make fun of seeking forgiveness and turning to Allah. And they say that these old fashioned, illiterate people, make others useless and on the other side raise a hue and cry that no one is coming out to help the flood affected. This nation has become senseless.Those blind from the intellect, till today cannot understand this one thing from history. Whoever fears Allah and believes in reward and retribution, comes out victorious. Tell the people this is a fault of the system, incompetence of the government, what does this have to do with Allah. Then people will only straighten out their own system, and will save only their own self.
These scholars are so repelled by the mention of the name of Allah, but they know that in earthquakes, in floods, in all calamities the only people who stand out in front in helping others, are those, who believe in the rule of Allah. But the TV channels are reluctant to show their beards and mark on their foreheads. Today it has been a month since the floods. These daemons should ask the secular elite of the civil society, where are you now. If a woman is stopped from marrying, you raise cry of ‘sky is falling’. And today hundreds of thousands of women are helpless in need. The thousands of civil society NGOs of ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Women Rights’ are sitting quietly in their air conditioned offices. But no one will reach out to get hold of them by their collars. But when the calamity will fade away, these people will return to debate on the two nation theory.
These are those hypocrisies of us, due to which we are engulfed in retribution. You stop people from turning to Allah and seeking his forgiveness, make fun of it. This is the reason that He has hardened the hearts of the people living around us to such an extent that your aid camps are empty. But I also have been stopped. It has been ordered that enough has happened. Have been saying this for the past two years, fear the displeasure of Allah, turn to Him. Allah showed his signs, but still everyone is busy in their own. It is an order from the people of insight not to write on this subject now. The condition of the people is like Ayahs of the Quran which say that the pagans ask the question that if you are truthful then say when will that hour approach. O! Prophet tell them ‘Only Allah has this knowledge, I am openly the one who is a warner’ I performed this duty. O! Allah bear witness to it.
As remains the talk of this god given country of Pakistan, this country is the only country of the world, on the forehead of which shines the star of the name of Allah. Our way is that way adopted by Abdul Mutalib in front of Abraha. His army came to destroy the Ka’ba and took away some camels of the Quraish. Abdul Mutalib went and asked the camels back. Abraha said that I have come to destroy yor Ka’ba and you talk of your camels. Abdul Mutalib said ‘I am the owner of the camels hence will only talk of them. He whose house that is, He is the owner of it, and He will protect it’.
We have to see that in this god gifted country of Pakistan, which is a sign of my Allah, trustee of the glad tidings of my Prophet (May peace be upon him), who will become like eaten up straw. Thousands of people daily in their dreams witness the signs of my Rabb. But now the season is past of giving the news of the signs. Only the door of repentance is open, which will remain open till Qayamah(doomsday). This is the only way which can put off the order of god. The order is Allah’s, only He has knowledge of it, the time of it is also known to Him only. We were only assigned the duty of being a warner, which has been performed. With this Dua that we seek refuge from Your wrath. But if this is true than do not let our end be with the oppressors. And do not bring us up with the oppressors.
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